Blog #7 Benefits of signing in register

As per my introduction, your builder will likely not like this however, depending on the size of project, number of people on site it may become a legal obligation.

I would not mention this condition at the tender, negotiations stage and wait until you come to agree build price.

I believe a signing in register is very important and an important element to the contract as this provides some evidence to support any claims, construction program delays etc, as a builder, I could potentially even get a claim when a Sub Contractor seeks to accelerate there works, just because they want to however, we are not ready for them, so I believe its very important you have a completed, diligently signing in register.

The document can be corrupted by people signing in for other people however, there are obvious ways to identify this.

For avoidance of doubt, this is not to catch your Contractor out, its a method to protect you from frivolous and meritless claims.

You can expand on this by asking your Contractor to confirm they are wearing the correct PPE etc however, I am for the sake of this blog talking about a signing in and out register.

If I was the builder on a larger project, I would insist everyone signs in and out, including the Client and other professionals. As a Client, I would want to inspect these every week and take them back home or to the office and file away.

All I do, is make an excel document with a title of the project, and the columns to be name, time in, time out and sign and repeat that over and over again and attach it to a clip board and a couple pens on a string.

I would also insist people sign when leaving site, even if its just for a couple hours.

This sounds really anal however, this has helped me many times in the past as you can’t have eyes everywhere!

Now for my professional pointers about signing in registers;

A site signing in record is a document that records the details of everyone who enters and leaves a construction site. Some of the benefits of having a site signing in record are:

  • It helps to ensure that everyone on site has received a site induction and is aware of the site rules and health and safety arrangements.
  • It helps to monitor the attendance and performance of contractors and workers.
  • It helps to manage the traffic and parking on site and prevent unauthorized access.
  • It helps to identify who is on site in case of an emergency and facilitate evacuation and rescue operations.
  • It helps to comply with legal and contractual obligations and provide evidence in case of disputes or claims.

A site signing in record can be a simple paper-based book or a digital system that uses cards, tags, or biometrics to register the entry and exit of site personnel. Either way, it should be kept in a secure and accessible location and updated regularly.

Anyways all the best.

Warm regards


p.s My joke, I know lame ; I had to report my stolen amazon package, The police are still looking for a prime suspect